Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Blog and the Blogger

This is an undergraduate student blog for Geography 438, Advanced Remote Sensing, taken at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. Posts will adhere to a technical report format detailing the goals, methods, and results of each lab exercise. Along with this information, general concepts will also be discussed as they pertain to each specific exercise.

My name is Lee Fox and I will be completing my bachelor's degree in geography this semester. I have made class blogs for Remote Sensing of the Environment (introductory), GIS I, and Geospatial Field Methods. Along with this blog, I will also be updating another blog this semester for GIS II. Over the last couple of years, I have learned to love geography for its simplicity and complexity. Each class has built on my ability to think spatially and through the medium of blogging, I hope to convey what I have learned and am currently learning.

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